John's 18 Plus Events Page

John A Smith
18 Plus National Development Officer
Information about Direct Membership

Direct Membership rules

2003 Annual National Conference

Direct Membership motion for debate

That the rules governing the Direct Membership scheme be altered to delete the condition that to become a direct Member, there must be an existing Group within a 15 mile radius.

Supporting Document to motion 13.3


At the ANC 1997, Romiley and Bradford Groups proposed a motion regarding the Direct Membership scheme, Due to the way the ANC agenda is drafted, the motion was debated before a presentation by the NEC regarding the Direct Membership scheme.

The motion stated that:

  1. Direct membership will be available where there is no Group within a 15 mile radius.
  2. Where there is a Group within a 15 mile radius, membership will only be available through a member Group.
  3. The NEC will be responsible for direct members and will provide a posting for them.
  4. The NEC will take into account the location of direct members within its' publicity. Development and Recruitment plans.

The NEC spoke against the motion saying that it should be up to the individual member, whether they wanted to be a member of a Group or a Direct Member. The NEC did not feet that it helped Groups to have members who only attended the Group night once a year to renew. The NEC did not want a mass exodus of members from Groups. on the basis that they would receive an individual posting and had therefore added a levy of £10 on top if the membership fee to cover the cost of extra postings.

The above motion was carried with an amendment that all new and existing Direct Members who make their application for renewal of Direct membership must have their application approved by the relevant Area Chairman and NEC.

At the January 2003 NEC meeting, the National Restructuring Forum presented their findings. Included, was a suggestion that the "15 mile radius*' restriction be deleted from the criteria for Direct membership. The NEC agreed.

The motion was passed after some strong debate.

That with emmediate effect, £5 of the £15 levy, or such other figure the N.E.C. may determine under article 6.1.6 of the National Constitution as being the levy for Direct Members, be returned to the member's Area.

The £5 figure was amended to 33.3%.

The following was added to the motion "and that the Areas which have Direct Members are mandated to send bulk postingsto those members".

Note to motion 13.4

Under article 6.1.6 of the National Constitution, the NEC has the power to charge a levy for Direct, members.

At the January 2003 NEC meeting, the NEC increased the levy for Direct Members to £15 on top of the current membership fee.

The amended motion was passed.

1999 Annual National Conference

Direct Membership motion for debate - speech

That this Conference mandates the N.E.C. to adopt the following points for it's Direct Membership scheme.

  1. Direct Membership will only be available where there is no existing 18 Plus Group within 15 miles.
  2. Where there is an 18 Plus Group within 15 miles, membership will only be available through a Member Group.
  3. The N.E.C. will be responsible for the Direct Members and will provide a regular posting to them.
  4. The N.E.C. will take into consideration the location of Direct Members within it's Publicity, Development and Recruitment plans.

Of the four points in the motion, the first two define what Direct Membership is, it's limits We believe that Direct Membership should be used to promote 18 Plus in areas where there are no existing Groups with a view to opening up new ones in those towns and the scheme should reflect this.

The motion does not prevent existing Members who move house to an area where no Group exists from becoming Direct Members, but ensures that their location is taken into account by N.E.C. Recruitment plans. It also prevent abuse of the system by current Members who should be joining through a Group.

The N.E.C. must be responsible for these Members and deal with them in the way that a Group Committee would deal with Group members. If the scheme is used correctly and promoted efficiently it could generate large numbers of new people within 18 Plus. Should this happen then there is no way that Area Committees have the manpower or money to deal with each individual Direct Member and keep them well informed. For this reason the job must fall to the N.E.C. They should send out postings to Direct Members and deal with any problems arising. When a number of members on the scheme appear within one 15 mile circle this is when the N.E.C. should pass it over to the relevant A.E.C. with a view to them opening the Group.

As for the last point of the motion it is quite self explanatory. In order for the Direct Membership scheme to fulfil it's potential and ultimately create more members and therefore more Groups the N.E.C. must seriously undertake to promote and develop it. The sceme therefore needs to be considered in all future Publicity, Development and Recruitment plans.

Finally, stated in the Aims of the National Federation of 18 Plus Groups is the following:

"The art of living can best be pearnt in a group of men and women who share the desire to understand and serve society"

We are the National Federation of 18 Plus Groups, therefore Direct Membership should be used only as a means of opening new Groups. Lets make Direct Membership a positive scheme to help 18 Plus expand.

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The Gazette

March N.E.C. Meeting 1998
21st / 22nd March 1998


The NEC discussed an idea suggested from Yorkshire Area, which concerned Satellite members. The Yorkshire Area Chairman is getting a lot of enquitriesfrom potential new members who live over an hour away from their nearest Group. It was suggested opening Satellite membership up to whoever wishes to take it out.

The South Essex Area Chairman agreed with the Yorkshire Area Chairman and suggested that the name of Satellite members be changed to Direct members.

As a result of the discussions the Satellite membership will now be known as Direct membership and this will be open to anyone. This will be trialed for a year.

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The Gazette


Direct Membership

Jo Woodhead - NEO explained to the NEC that she was putting together a booklet explaining 18 Plus for Direct Members. Area Chairmen were mandated to ensure that all Area information is sent to the Office for the monthly postings to Direct Members. The postings will include all National scale paperwork and specific Area details.

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Copyright National Federation of 18 Plus Goups - Great Britain 1998/1999/2000/2001/2003
Created: October 05, 1999

18 Plus National Development Officer 1999 - 2001

Report - January 1999
Report - January 2000
Report - January 2001


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