18 Plus Yorkshire

Yorkshire Area 18 Plus
Community Service Announcement

Extract from Alyve magazing December 1997.


January is Publicity month, No! don't stop reading just yet! think about it. People have had a good time over Christmas, so what is there after it? Cold weather, nothing going on, three months at work until the next Bank Holiday etc, it's the perfect time to recruit to the fun world of Plus!

The following Publicity events should be organised in January:

  1. Yorkshire Area 18 Plus have been promised a Community Service Announcement by Yorkshire Television (similar to an advert). They would like to film us at a Party. As many members as possible are asked to attend, so that it looks as good as possible on T.V.
  2. Each 18 Plus Group is asked to hold an Open Night or similar during the final week in January. The St Valentine's Disco can be plugged as a brilliant event.
  3. Yorkshire Area 18 Plus is going to put an advert in The Big Issue. If you would like details of your Group to be included, please contact the Yorkshire Area Publicity Officer.

Glen Anderson - Editor


In 1997 Yorkshire Area 18 Plus applied for, and was granted a Yorkshire Television Community Servicve Announcement, (C.S.A.).

A C.S.A. is a sort of advert broadcast by Yorkshire Television for Voluntary Organisations.

In January 1998 a special Disco was organised where 18 Plus was filmed having a good time, and speaking about 18 Plus, my thanks to all those who attended, and braved the interviews. My thanks also to Tony Swindon who was D.J. for the evening.

The broadcast dates and times are listed below.

  • Tuesday February 17 - 9:59 a.m. & 12:28 p.m.
  • Wednesday February 18 - 5:38 p.m.
  • Thursday February 19 - 12:28 p.m.
  • Friday February 20 - 1254 p.m. & 3:19 p.m.
  • Saturday February 21 - 12:59 p.m.
  • Sunday February 22 - 11:58 a.m.


Extract from Alyve magazing April 1998


A bit of a mouthful to say, so Alyve is shortening it to the Y.T.V. Party ...



Did everyone manage to see the Plus advert? if not, there are a few copies floating around on video.

Plussers had to dance to the same record about ten times, (for continuity purposes), whilst being filmed by Y.T.V. and afterwards several people were interviewed.

The event was interesting, (and free), and has resulted in approximately 26 written enquiries about Plus. We now need to convert them into 26 new members.

The Yorkshire Area 18 Plus Committee would like to thank all those who took part, but it won't as it would be a lot of handshakes!!

Glen Anderson - Editor


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then send it to jas@anvil.free-online.co.uk or click on this link to send some E-mail to me now.

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